Here’s what the latest and greatest version of Postmaster Enterprise is looking like!
The core principle of the revamp was to bring features, and naturally, the benefits they provide, as much into the foreground as possible. While ensuring that we do not intrude into its ‘Install – Configure – Forget’ ideology.
For instance, the Main Admin Console is meant to show you the health and functioning of your PME v.8 at-a-glance. And also some of the more important parameters of your system… oops, I think I just gave away something here? :)
With a contextual, logical operational navigation on the left, and roll-down sections in the main-body, we hope you’ll discover many more benefits from PostMaster Enterprise.
And we hope the improved web-mail interface will convince you to begin the shift from the desktop mail-client model to the more secure and reliable web-mail on server approach even for your LAN.
Email Configuration (Main) – Admin
Web-proxy Configuration (TPM) – Admin
Looking forward to comments and feedback, needless to say!
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