Tag Archives: fieldsense

How clued in are you on your field force’s progress?

Aiming for more business year-on-year is as natural to an organization’s growth as is breathing. And while your top brass is fixated on the company’s growth, the sales managers are the ones who are entrusted with fulfillment of these objectives.   And so begins the planning process, breaking down of the annual target into quarterly […]

Now you can communicate with your field force in real time…

A sales manager’s major challenges are making the hard hitting numbers. And to make these numbers, they invest a lot of time behind planning their team’s meeting schedules. But what do you do when there’s an unexpected turn of events?   A hot lead may spring up; a key decision maker has suddenly made time […]

Is your field force really on top of all client developments?

Being on top of developments on every client is a critical requirement for every field force rep in order to put up an ‘i-know-everything-that’s-happening-with-you’ face in front of clients. And then there are days when your best rep has been meeting client back to back for a couple of days, and when he walks into […]

Want to make things easy for your field force? Get FieldSense!

Fixing up meetings, attending to sudden change in the client’s plan, traveling all across town to meet commitments, and after a rough day coming back to office to report it all – a typical day in the life of a field force rep. Oh, and did we mention, having to go through the pain of […]

Always arrive at meetings on time, every time, with FieldSense

It takes a lot of persistence, and consistent effort, to connect with the right contacts and get that one meeting which will open doors to a new deal. Imagine having chased a client for weeks, have finally getting in touch with the right contacts, scheduled and rescheduled meetings and received an appointment – only to […]

Do you know where your salesforce is… right now?

Revisiting performances of a previous quarter, devising plans to meet the next month’s mammoth target, responding to the CEO’s tough queries, meeting other HODs to align business strategy and discuss where Sales stands on it – a typical day in the life of a Sales Head (or Director Sales or VP Sales or Chief Sales […]